High pressure pneumatic hose is used pretty much everywhere in the manufacturing and heavy equipment industry. Let’s look at the different types of high pressure pneumatic hose, because they are not all the same, and you don’t want to buy the wrong hose for the job!

The first is the PVC hose. PVC hoses are solid, and not as flexible as some other hoses. This means they are hard to lay flat, but the heavier material makes them strong and resistant to corrosion that can occur with chemicals and weathering. These hoses are best used in food, dairy and medical applications.
Next are rubber air hoses, which have a wide range of applications. They are the heaviest air hoses, but are beneficial for use in harsh environments and maintain flexibility in the cold. Oil resistance is great in rubber hoses, and overall, they are great multipurpose hoses. They are kink resistant, flame resistant, extremely stable, have a good price point, and are the best bet in harsh environments.
Polyurethane air hoses are oftentimes, but not always, clear, and are very lightweight. Their ends are very easy to attach and do not stiffen up in cold weather. With a new hose, it takes a bit of use before it will lay flat and becomes generally easier to work with. These hoses are oftentimes used for air brake, agricultural applications, spray painting, pneumatic tools, and are good for mobile applications due to easy transport. They are not as durable against chemicals as rubber hose and can be a bit too stiff for some applications.
With any application, but especially high-pressure applications, you should know your hoses before using one on the job. Compressed air can be extremely dangerous if not handled properly. To avoid injuries and keep everybody safe, be sure you’re getting the right hose; don’t guess.
Of course, we can’t all be experts in every area. That’s why you should come to us. Tell us what your application is, what your requirements are, and we’ll recommend the best hose for the job. We’ll even create an assembly for you, oftentimes right on the spot. Let us know how we can help you with your job!